Soda PDF

Make PDFs from any file

  • Create PDF files from 300+ file types
  • Convert PDF to Word, Excel & PowerPoint
  • 100% Compatible with Adobe Acrobat files
Get it Free and find out for yourself!
Compatible with: Windows 10, 8, 7
Soda PDF Desktop
Screen Screen

Soda® PDF Creator & Converter

The FREE software to create & convert PDFs

Soda PDF Creator & Converter is a free & powerful PDF solution. It allows you to create PDFs from 300+ file formats in just a few clicks. Convert your files to PDF preserving the fonts, structure & layout of the document. Convert PDF files into Word, Excel, PPT or images. Work with our desktop solution on your PC.

  • 100% FREE! Soda PDF Creator & Converter
  • Create perfect PDF files with just 1 click
  • Convert to PDF from Word, Excel & 300+ formats
  • 100% Compatible with Adobe Acrobat files
  • Convert PDF to Word, Excel & PowerPoint accurately
  • Read PDF, digital comics & ePub Books in 3D
Compatible with: Windows 10, 8, 7
Browser Compatibility: Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Edge
Create PDFs from over 300 file formats

Create PDFs from over 300 file formats

PDF is the most portable and convenient file format. Create new PDF files or choose from 300+ file types to create professional-looking PDFs from existing documents. Instantly create perfect PDF files, with just few clicks, from existing contracts, reports, resumes, etc. Soda PDF creates PDFs from any document while preserving its original appearance.

Convert PDF to multiple file formats

Convert PDF to multiple file formats

Soda PDF allows you to convert your PDF files to Word, Excel, PowerPoint, HTML and image formats with accuracy and no loss of information. The converted files will be easily editable and customizable. Tables converted to Excel will retain their original formatting.

Generate PDFs from any application

Generate PDFs from any application

Creating PDF documents was once a difficult task even for the specialists, but not anymore. Today you can make professional-looking PDF documents in no time. Create your PDFs from any type of existing document: simply open it, select Soda PDF as the virtual printer, choose where to save it and how to name it, and you're done.

Read any PDF, ePub & digital comic book in 3D

Read any PDF, ePub & digital comic book in 3D

The Soda PDF Creator is also an advanced 3D PDF reader. It allows you to open and read many formats with the revolutionary 3D page-flipping technology. It's 100% compatible with the Adobe PDF file format so you can read all your PDFs with ease. You can even read e-books in .epub format and view comic books in .cbr and .cbz formats.